Thursday, July 23, 2015

It Seems The Department Of Health Thinks Education on the PCEHR Will Have Healthcare Providers Enthusiastic To Use It. Not Likely!

This popped up a few days ago:

Govt readies e-health record push to boost adoption

Training drive slated for 2016.

The Department of Health will renew efforts to address under-utilisation of electronic health records by the clinical community, with a training and promotion campaign due to kick off in January 2016.
The federal government’s $1 billion e-health scheme - originally dubbed the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) but since rebadged myHealth Record - has struggled against poor adoption rates since the system went live in 2012.
Ahead of the May 2015 budget, Health Minister Susan Ley said the government would make the electronic health records ‘opt-out’ - giving all Australians an account by default.
Despite this consumer-side push, however, concerns remain that clinicians don't see enough value in the system and aren't uploading or accessing data at the rates the original PCEHR architects envisioned.
Richard Royle’s 2013 review into the electronic health records found the system needed to reach a certain “tipping point” of input by clinicians to reach a critical mass of usefulness that would encourage all doctors to take it up.
The Health department will set the wheels in motion to reach this milestone by commencing a targeted training and myHealth Record promotion drive in early 2016.
This week it approached training providers to design the education programs, including guided online myHealth Record simulations, that will underpin the campaign.
The department isn’t satisfied with the average 3500 clinical documents uploaded into patient records by healthcare providers each week.
“Considerable scope exists to increase healthcare provider use of the myHealth Record system,” tender documents state.
More here:
Here is the link
The summary from the tender reads:
“The Department is seeking the design and development of materials for a nationally consistent, integrated and targeted education and training package (package) for healthcare providers which supports eHealth and My Health Record system outcomes.  This package seeks to achieve greater system uptake and meaningful use of the system by healthcare providers.  The developed package should focus on supporting practical and confident use of the My Health Record among healthcare providers.”
It is often said the only thing better than winning a Government Tender is to lose one!
In this case I suspect that may well turn out to be the case - given what a pup of an ill-conceived project and system they have to sell!

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